The Story of Stand Perfect

Hi friends, my name is Chad Jasmine and I invented Stand Perfect to make learning sports like baseball and golf easier and more fun for my 3-year-old son, Carlos. After searching everywhere, I was shocked to find that there was nothing on the market to help my little kid find a perfect stance by himself. So I spent all of 2015 creating the tool that I imagined. With my life savings and the help of some very smart investors, I was able to create the design, get two utility patents, six design patents, trademark my Stand Perfect brand, build molds, make product, buy inventory, create a website (With the help of the incredible American Art Kitchen in Long Beach CA), and open up shop. Now Stand Perfect is available to the public and we could not be happier!

Stand Perfect, Inc. has a serious goal as a company, and that is to become a completely eco-friendly “Green Company” by the year 2020. We are currently researching ways to use 100% recycled rubber to make our product and will not stop this research until we have accomplished our goal to be GREEN.

Full disclosure: Currently Stand Perfect is made in Vietnam from an all-natural plant based rubber with no synthetics, petroleum products, or any UV protection added. Stand Perfect is a very unique sports trainer with amazing durability that allows it to be passed down from older sibling to younger siblings, and from generation to generation.

There is nothing more important to us than to make our company and product green but until then we would like to assure everyone that Stand Perfect does NOT pose a threat to this beautiful earth of ours. We feel that Stand Perfect falls into the category of classic inventions and tools that have helped make people and their lives better.

I personally want to thank you for reading this and checking out my product, so THANK YOU! And more than anything, I want to thank my beautiful wife Sheila Jasmine who has given me so much. Baby I love you, you’ll never know. Then there’s my boy Carlos, the inspiration, the guiding light, the motivation to live to at least 150. Carlos Knight Jasmine is the co-inventor of Stand Perfect and the heir to my throne and DREAM. What a gift you are, my boy. I love you.

Thanks people, I really hope you like it.