Hi I’m Chad Jasmine and I invented Stand Perfect. I want to welcome you to my video blog and thank you for taking time in your busy schedule to watch. I’m going to be doing this daily video blog to make everyone aware of this revolutionary product.

The idea for Stand Perfect was inspired by my son Carlos who is now 5 years old. My reason for inventing it was to make sports easier and more fun for him. After watching just how well it worked for him, I wanted to make it available for everyone. Stand Perfect is a great training device that works amazingly on many levels. It fills a giant need for every parent and coach that want to help kids learn and enjoy sports. In this blog I will explain and demonstrate Stand Perfect and all the different applications where it is so useful. I will also make my self, my life, and my story completely accessible to everyone who watches. I feel this is important because I want to be as real and as helpful as possible to anyone interested in my company and product. My vision is to build my product, company, and brand, in a way that is real, unscripted, and with out cuts or edits.

My life is everything I want it to be. I’m happy and blessed beyond my wildest dreams. My wife, Sheila, is the most most wonderful, sexy and classy genius-of-a-woman who supports all of my crazy dreams. I am a 53-year-old father of the most wonderful little boy, Carlos, who is my inspiration and motivation to be the very best I can be every day. I am a little older than most first time dads, but I’ll tell you, if you want to be forever young, have a kid when you’re 50. The gift of this little boy given to me by my incredible wife, is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.

When I was Carlos’ age I loved sports. In fact, I was certain I was going to be a three sport super star on the professional level. This was not a dream of mine, this was an absolute certainty—all I needed to do was grow up. Then, at about 15 years of age, I was certain I would be a rock star, started writing songs, and later formed one of the greatest bands in rock ’n roll history. No really I did. You may not have heard of National People’s Gang, but we really were one of the greatest bands ever. This band was my life for about 10 years. We toured, recorded, and played just about everywhere in North America. We played with Nirvana, Primus, Fire Hose, Meat Puppets, Cows, Flaming Lips, Sound Garden, just to name a few. The experiences I had with National People’s Gang were priceless and I am extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to make music with my band mates who I still love to this day.

When National People’s Gang broke up, I was writing songs like crazy, so I started recording and playing shows as a solo artist. I moved from southern California to Jacksonville, Florida, in 1995, and that is where I still live today. My music has always been different, so in order to support my musical habit I found something that I also truly love to make a living—massage therapy. Helping people heal their bodies, get out of pain, and be healthy is incredibly rewarding. I studied at The South Eastern School of Neuromuscular Therapy in Jacksonville, Florida, one of the most prestigious massage therapy schools in the country. There I learned massage from one of the true guru’s in the field, Mr. Kyle Wright. I worked with Kyle for about 5 years, then purchased The Wright Center of Advanced Bodywork and Massage in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. I have owned this clinic for the last 20 years, and continue to work on, and with, people at my facility to this day.

Eight years ago I married Sheila, the love of my life, and 5 years ago, our son Carlos was born. My son is with out question the most beautiful gift I have ever received and is my inspiration to be great. His presence in my life has caused me to go full circle and now I see the world through his eyes. His love of sports is exactly the same love I have and had when I was his age. Stand Perfect was completely inspired by my son and absolutely would not exist if he did not come into this world. Carlos Jasmine is the co-inventor, co-owner, and my co-partner in Stand Perfect Inc., and to me another example of how life continues to amaze me and get better every day.

Life is, and has always has been, the “Golden Ticket” for me, and this video blog will allow me to share everything I am with whomever choses to watch and listen. The real beauty of this blog for me will be the fact that ultimately it will serve as a continuous message to my son, a scrapbook, if you will. Later in life, he will be able to watch it and say “That’s my dad!” and that alone will inspire me to achieve greatness.

Of course the Vlog will be about my invention Stand Perfect, with demo’s and information about this revolutionary product that will, with out a doubt, change the world. However, I vow to keep it very real. This means that I will be coming to everyone as me, the person I am, the life I have lived, and the love that has some how always graced my life. This daily documentation will not only allow me to share everything I have with the world, but also it will serve as an accountability meter. Basically, every day I will be saying “Hey, Son, this is your dad! I love you, and I want you to know who I am.” This excites me to no end! Oh, the fun we will have! So please follow my Video Blog. I promise I will do my very best to make it great.

With all of me,

-Chad Jasmine

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