“Day 16”  Taking out the Garbage

On day 16 of Chad Jasmine’s 90 Day Super Human Body Transformation Challenge Chad shares with us some thoughts that came to him today as he did his deep brain breathing/cardio workout.

First, you never have head phones or ear buds in your ears when working out. This is bad for you for so many reasons and in this VLOG Chad explains why.

The only reason you should have your phone with you is so that you can use the record function when a brilliant idea pops into your head. That is all. Then once you’ve captured that thought you turn your phone off and set it some where away from your body. Like in the cup or phone holder on the machine you are using so it’s accessible for the next brilliant idea you need to record.

Then Chad dives deep into “Energy” and reveals the fact that we all have our own limitless source of power that we can access any time we wish. You will love as Chad listens to his own thoughts and then repeats what he recorded earlier in the day into the camera to create one of the most unique and innovative VLOGS ever VLOGGED in the Vlogosphere. …. Or something to that effect. Just go to standperfect.com to have your mind blown.

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