“Day 76”  The #1 Rule when working out

Hi folks, as you know Chad Jasmine, the inventor of Stand Perfect is in the process of becoming super human and his Stand Perfect 90 day super human body transformation challenge has been the vehicle for which he has done so.

Through this process he is compiling data and documenting his methods so he can share his totally natural technic of being healthy with the world. That’s right people soon Chad Jasmine will make his program available to the public and what a beautiful gift to humanity it will be.

In day 76 of his Vlog Chad basically wants to get one thing across and he is calling this “The # 1 rule when working out”…..Ready? NO DIGITAL DEVICES ALLOWED! Yes Chad Jasmine reviles the prophecy that no one is talking about, the fact that phones, iPods, ear buds, headphones or anything digital is, well, to put it bluntly killing everyone. Killing them slowly perhaps, but killing them non the less. An over reaction you say? I think not.

Let’s think about it for a moment, why do people isolate them selves with headphones? Well the simple answer is to distract themselves and nothing could be more harmful to oneself than this practice. Some people say “Oh I’m getting lost in the music.” Wrong! Or this is a good one “It helps me forget about what I’m doing.” What! No! Wrong again! The practice of exercise should be a mind body connection where you must be respectful to your self and listen to your heart. Probably the most important thing to do when exercising is to pay very close attention to the signals your body is giving to your brain.

Now let’s take a look at the contra indications from a physical health stand point. Women with phones stuffed in their bras! What are people thinking? Or should I say not thinking! People please keep in mind that whether we like it or not we are the Guinea pigs of this digital experiment that is being conducted and truth be told we will not be hearing any reports about the adverse affects or disease caused by digital devices or the batteries that power them. Why will we not hear about the health risks of the digital age? Because why would commerce sabotage the very path that we have chosen to go down when the product is so addictive and the profit margins are so ridiculously high? That ain’t happening.

Chad’s a genius. Go to standperfect.com Be free! and love each other.

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