“Day 45” Half way to day 90

“Day 45”  Half way to day 90 Hi folks! As promised Chad Jasmine, inventor of STAND PERFECT takes off his shirt to show the world his progress thus far in his STAND PERFECT 90 DAY SUPER HUMAN BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE!!! So check out how he’s made progress the all-natural way and lost 12 pounds! only […]

“Day 35” Feeling Great

“Day 35” Feeling Great! Day 35, and Chad Jasmine is excited! Life is great, business is fantastic and people are beautiful!!! Just go to standperfect.com and find out why everything is so great. Also Chad gives us all a little teaser about tomorrows Vlog. Yes, he will be letting us all in on some secret […]

“Day 32” Getting ready for TEE BALL!

“Day 32” Getting ready for TEE BALL! On day 32 of the STAND PERFECT 90 DAY SUPER HUMAN BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE Chad Jasmine, inventor of STAND PERFECT and his son Carlos Jasmine, the inspiration behind the product spend about 15 minutes using this fabulous tool to get ready for the upcoming tee ball season. This […]

“Day 28” Yard Work

“Day 28” Lots of yard work On day 28 of the 90 DAY STAND PERFECT SUPER HUMAN BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE Chad Jasmine did tons of yard work. Yeah that’s it. This is just a day in the life of a musician/massage therapist/inventor/dad. Oh yeah this VLOG includes cameo’s by Carlos and Weezy so it’s awesome. […]