“Day 50”  ‘Dirty’  a song by Chad Jasmine

Hi people!! Life is so cool!! Thank you for checking out the Stand Perfect Vlog!!

Wow! It’s day 50! The big Five O! Hey, we can all agree that doing a Vlog for 50 straight days is beyond impressive! So welcome to day 50 of THE STAND PERFECT SUPER HUMAN BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE and thanks again for the support.

In this episode Chad Jasmine, inventor of STAND PERFECT plays one of his songs, as he does on every tenth day of the VLOG. Todays hit is called “Dirty” a lyrically playful yet extremely provocative song with a clever chord progression. Give it a listen and feel free to share it with your friends.

Please go to standperfect.com because it will change your life. Thank you.

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