“Day 49” Carlos has Tee Ball evaluations and Stand Perfect is a hit!

On day 49 of the 90 DAY STAND PERFECT SUPER HUMAN BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE Carlos has his very first Tee ball evaluation and it could not have gone any better!

Not only did Carlos perform beautifully but his father Chad Jasmine, inventor of Stand Perfect was able to present his incredible invention to the coaches doing the evaluating and boy were they thrilled!

That’s right when Chad saw that most of the kids(who were playing baseball for the very first time) did not yet know how or where to stand while trying to hit, he handed a pair of Stand Perfect to the coach who said “Where has this been my whole life?” So Cool! Yes it was great! In fact Stand Perfect is so brilliant that it took zero explanation. When the coach laid his eyes on the pair of Stand Perfects as Chad set them down in the batters box their purpose was so simple and clear.

Stand Perfect is a tool that should have been around 100 years ago but for some reason no one ever invented it. Until now! Thank you Chad Jasmine, inventor of Stand Perfect! You have made life so much easier for coaches and parents, now, and from this point forward.

Please go to and get ya some. Your kids will love you for it and it will be the smartest thing you’ll ever do.

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